so i was a working mom this weekend. i filled in for my mom at the model home she sits at on the weekends. let me tell you, it was a crazy weekend! i can now really appreciate NOT working outside of my home especially on the weekends! it started off sounding easy, even enjoyable! 6 hrs of quiet time to myself! HA! saturday, i had to go in a half hour early cuz i needed to leave a half hour early, to make a friends' daughter's wedding. well, i had gone in last weekend with my mom so she could show me what all i needed to do (which is not much, so i figured, eh no big deal i can handle this) and she said, "and you can always call me if you have any questions" . so i knew i needed to take some stuff to do, there was no computer, no phone (except my cell) and 6 hrs to kill. so i loaded my bag up with sewing, and reading and a microwave meal, and the present and wrapping paper to wrap said present for the wedding, needless to say, my hands were quite full! so i unlock the door, and head in.... i hear this beeping noise, like when you have an alarm system.....hmmmm, mom didn't say anything about an alarm, maybe it's just cuz the front door is open, so i go in, lay all my stuff down, shut the door.......hmmmm still beeping....that's weird......whoooo whoooo whoooo....alarm is going off! so i try to call mom to figure out what to answer! i tried calling the guy at the other answer! ughhh! so i tried calling mom answer! now the alarm is SCREAMING at this point! i tried my dad's cell phone.....thank the Lord for dads!!!....he answers and puts mom on (who had just happened at the time i was arriving to have been "indisposed" with out phone!) so she gives me the code, and is hollaring about who in the world turned the alarm on, she NEVER turns the alarm on (nor even told me about the alarm!). i get the alarm off, call the "boss man" at the other model, he says, "oh you should'nt have any problems, there is no phone line there so it's not hooked into the police dept so you shouldn't be having them come out, your fine"......ok fine, so i get situated, start wrapping the present, comes an older, and i mean older, man in what appears to be a police uniform, i say appears to be cuz i was not sure if it was or if it was a "security" officer uniform. so i tell him what happened, and he looks at me like i'm a ghost and he can see right through me (ie. he's not all there) and says well if you have a key to the front door i'll get out of your way. so i showed him and as he leaves, shuffling his feet out the dooor, cuz he evidently does not have the energy or strength to lift his feet, (which i must say some days i feel that way but i am like 50 yrs younger than him!) so it's a good thing i was not a theif he needed to chase! whew, ok, so i'm thinking i'm good to go now.
well i get some squares cut out of a shirt (for a quilt) and get some reading done, and i am ready to heat up that meal, ya, i forgot to pack anything to eat the meal with! so i call chris, just hoping for a fork to be brought up, no such luck, he wants to be NICE and bring me lunch along with the kids, who i am on edge about messing up anything in that house! so finally i get them gone, after we all eat lunch, then i read a bit more and realize i really need to bring more to do the next day. the kids call and ask when i am coming home about 10 times. then i talk to mom for awhile on the phone then at 4:30 a young family come in. now i mean young, she is 22 with 3 kids, 3 yrs, 21 months and a baby in a carrier! i ended up talking to them for the next hour, while the kids ran all around, banging on things, pulling down things, breaking a thing, grabbing things! ahhhh! (and i was worried about MY kids leaving crumbs from lunch!) finally i let them know i got to get out of there. so they leave, i run and pick up the family, now i know on the wedding invitation, it said 6pm. however i did not look at the directions which said "starts promptly at 6" so we get there a few minutes after 6 and the bride is walking down the isle! and we slide into the last table available and try to not look frazzled! leave there early so we can get home (where i desperately needed to use the little girls room cuz i didn't want to go at the model) and then leave to pick up my nephew who was staying the night! ok so that was day one of being a working mom! day 2 was much less eventful, but i have decided my place is in the home.....MY home! i will never complain about being busy and crazy at home, i may state the fact but i will not complain, i will love and enjoy the fact i am at home!