my little cousin Ashley = she is my BFF connection to my past, family and forever will be future. she is very wry, witty and funny! she is also the totally responsible adult i don't think anyone else in our family ever became! lol i love and adore her and she will forever be my little miss kitty!
next in line is my friend Debbie = she is my BFF/confidant/advice giver since high school. she has you look at all sides of the coin, she probably coined the term "save the drama for your mama" calm, collected, always ready to laugh at a situation rather than cry over it. plus she is my ideal for raising kids, she turned out 2 of the best ones i ever knew! she will always be the second mom (the one who i couldn't get in trouble with) who always had an answer for me.
then came along Lynette! = she is my, if i were in a pickle, she was probably right there in the same pickle BFF! we do tend to get ourselves into some messes! we want the same things in life, and we both have a tendency to put our foots in our mouths. she is the one you can look at and you both just burst out laughing cuz we've done the same thing! think susan meyer on desperate housewives! lol lynette is my "i've fallen and can't get up" friend, and if anyone can ever empathize it's her! lol i know if anyone would ever understand me and my predicaments, it's her! lol
a little after lynette came along, Christi better known as "Tee" came along! = she is my hallmark BFF. she is the one who lives up to what most think is not really attainable. if she wants to do something, she does it. no obstacle too large. you know when you read a card and think well no one can be that perfect in life, she is! she also is my, no matter how many miles, or how much time or how different our paths are, she will always be there friend, and our friendship never goes grey, meaning it never fades. we dont' have to talk daily to know what we mean to each other, we don't have to have everything in common to care for each other. she is the one who will never leave my heart no matter what! plus she has too much of my past in her head to allow me to let her stray too far! lol
after christi, i had a dry spell on BFF's, i had a couple that mascaraded as ones but didn't quite fit the bill, it takes alot to be able to put up with me, but my old friends got me through, until finally when frankie was in kindergarten/first grade! along came my Jenifer! = jenifer is my martha stuart BFF, she is my how to homemaker friend! lol we lead parallel lives, similar but not the exactly the same. she is the ethel to my lucy, the dianna to my anne, she is the one who i first had a major fight with, but yet continued to be there, i had never experienced that before! lol luckily we have not had that again, but it amazed me that it was possible! she is the one that helped me grow up a bit when it came to friends. she also is the one who when you want to complain will listen and agree even if your wrong, cuz that is what you needed at the time! she is the one who after my mom, i call. who we can laugh til' our stomachs hurt and then agree that was workout enough for the day! lol if i need to know how to do something, she knows how and she will do it well! really well! lol
then a few years after jenifer and my latest friend to come along is Barb = she is my get r done BFF! lol if you need the motivation to do something, you call barb! she not only gets r done, but in the most quick way you ever thought possible! she is another "achiever" in my list of friends. i am not sure if there is any task she can't undertake other than sitting idle. she has more energy than a toddler! she also is the most unconditional friend/person i have ever known. every time i think something will ruin our friendship, she just waves her hand like i just tooted or something and says, eh girl! that ain't gonna effect our friendship! i have never met anyone like her. the way she lets things roll off her back! she is the most forgiving person i know. she also reaches out to people in the most genuine way i have ever seen. and i mean everyone! it does not matter, who, or what you are. i feel so blessed that out of all the people she reaches out to, she held on to me so close! we may differ in views on things alot! lol but somehow she does not allow that to penetrate our friendship! i have never met anyone like her, oh wait, i already put that, but it is so true! and what i find most facinating about her, is she appears to be one thing but is actually not! and i mean that in a good way. she appears to be this strong, hard core cop, she seems like she would be woman's lib all the way! she is actually one of the most sensitive, soft, cry cuz YOUR crying, submits to her husband, christian women i have ever met! she is also the most complex friend i have ever had! lol she is the friend that when we are in our 80's she will be yelling, girl you don't need that walker! c'mon, it's slowing us down! and i say that cuz i know, she will still be there motivating me even then!
so these are the ladies from the different season's of my life. i am sure there will be more to come in the future. but i hope these ladies know, how they have touched my life, and left huge footprints (now i'm not saying you have big feet girls!) there that have changed and molded me and will last till i die or atleast until if i get alzheimers (sp?) lol
***one last note on the friends in my life. my mom, is not on here because she is my mom, she is in a class all her own, as you all know, i can not categorize her, because it would be like categorizing myself or my kids. she is me, she is a huge part of me, and she deserves a blog all of her own. but she was my first BFF and will be my last BFF, she is everyone wrapped up in one. but again, i will blog about her another day.