Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 8

Well, had I known how today was going to go, I would never have made yesterday a day off! We all showered last night with plans to go to church today. I got up to let the dogs out and felt all achy all day! I layed back down with the intentions to get back up in a few minutes (which no one ever does) and just could NOT get myself back up. I felt horrible! I know Chris had been struggling with a cold all week, but this was not like a cold. My first thought was flu, because of being so achy. HOWEVER, I had been working so hard all week, with fruits and veggies, hand washing, hand sanitizer etc... so SURELY I could not be getting sick. Well I stayed in bed until lunch time. Thankfully, I had put a roast in the crockpot last night, and THANKFULLY my mom had taught Gracie how to peel and cut potatoes, so I was able to ask her to do that and add them to the roast earlier in the day (I had put carrots in when I let the dogs out). **which I just want to point out, it really does pay to teach our kids how to do things, for times just like this. Yes it may take a little longer at the time, but you will be greatful later**** Anyway, I digress, after lunch, my ears were feeling a bit plugged and my lymph nodes near them ached. I got up and felt very dizzy and had a hard time focusing. Later while laying down, I did not feel nauseas, but ended up running to the bathroom and "unloading". My stomach never hurt, didn't do it any more after that, but for whatever reason, I was sick. So I stayed in bed and slowly added things (especially saltine crackers) to try eating the rest of the day. Now this may be a TMI post, but this IS how I spent the day. I will also say, my family did a wonderful job waiting on me hand and foot and I wanted for nothing, including their love all day!

1 comment:

  1. yuck! sorry, Angi! that stinks to be sick like that, but you are still funny, if that counts for anything!! :)



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