Thursday, February 26, 2009

working out

ok, so i started working out "regularly" at the YMCA this week. today is thursday, my arms are shaky even to hold the phone to my ear...i ache all over....i am tired in the middle of the day, i thought working out and getting healthy was supposed to make you feel! in other news, gracie caught her mom in a breach of protocol. i have been on her lately about not inviting herself over to people's houses. well since we had to cancel her birthday party...twice! due to illness, my friend jenifer said she was going to bring gracie's present over to her. well i needed to go out anyway, so i figured i would save her from having to get out and i said to her "well would you just like us to stop by there instead" and gracie yelled "mom you said we aren't supposed to invite ourselves over to freinds' houses! " how do you explain that and one other topic....journaling. in an effort to improve things around here, i have been reading up on several different projects, one, raised bed, squarefoot gardening, two the possiblilty of raising chickens, three getting and keeping my house organized, obviously if i am going to be working out i need to learn more about nurtrition, saving money, and ofcourse, i am continuing my quest to grow more spiritually with my discipilship program. Here is what i have discovered, journals! journals, journals. you are supposed to keep a gardening journal, a food journa, an excersise journal, a housekeeping journal, a daily in the word journal, a journal of prices at the store which store, and what, where and when, a chicken journal (well actually they haven't said that yet but i am sure it is in one of the books i have gotten) so tell me while i am spending all this time writing, when am i supposed to find time to garden, feed the chickens, go shopping, feed myself, work out and clean my house, oh and read the bible? on top of everything else....hmmmm any ideas? i guess if i forgo sleep.....


  1. So funny, Angi! Square-foot gardening...I've heard about that (even seen one my friends started) and have been very interested ever since. Let me know if you try it. I'd love to hear what you think.

  2. Posted this to a bunch of my friends and thought I'd throw it up here too..It's a workout to prepare for a Triathlon and it works...Enjoy!

    Here's a sample routine you can choose to do if you want to get into shape to compete in some Triathlons...Most of the time Tri's I've seen are not too horribly difficult to get into shape for..Like an Ironman, the key is eating right, resting enough, and putting in the work to make it happen (WITHOUT missing a day)

    First and foremost, drink tons of water everyday when training..Throw out all Cokes, "flavored" drinks, and beer... Start off the morning drinking 20-30 fl. ounces of water every morning before you eat breakfast..This should be the first thing you do when you get out of bed..Eat a huge breakfast of some combination of these things: Grilled chicken breast, sliced lean turkey, 6 egg whites plus 3 whole eggs, 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal (no butter), fruit..Your choice....just some combination of those things..EVERY morning...Then eat things that are good for you all day..No candy whatsoever, no chocolate, no cake, no pie..fruit should have enough natural sugars to get you through..and drink water constantly all day...Lots of vegetables, meat-steak, chicken, fish, turkey, etc..., and fruit...

    K, now that the diet is out of the way..let's take a look at a sample routine...I understand people have to work and roughly 9 hours of the day is devoted to that...The rest of the time you have, you can spend it to train and rest..with time for friends and all that...just make sure the training gets done EVERYDAY..

    Weightlifting is very important in training for Triathlons..for strength as well as cardiovascular conditioning..

    Bench Press: 4 sets of 8
    Incline Bench: 3 sets of 8
    Butterfly: 3 sets of 15
    Dips: 3 sets of 25
    Overhead Triceps Presses: 2 sets of 20
    SkullCrushers: 3 sets of 12
    Tricep Pressdowns: 2 sets of 50
    Close-Grip Tricep Press Bench Press: 3 sets of 10 (Ur thumbs should touch on the grip when doing this exercise)
    Sit ups: 1 Set of 100, then do 50 crunch twists to each side...Then, 3 sets of 20 on the leg-ups..

    Still Monday, onto the cardio..Find a machine or my personal choice -- Run outside...Find out how far it takes you to run this...but run 5 miles...Monday is complete..

    Pull-Ups: 3 sets of 10-15
    Reverse-Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets of 12
    Striaght back pull-backs: 3 sets of 10
    Lower back extensions: 1 set of 100
    Preacher Seat Curls: 1 set of 12, 2 sets of 10, 1 set of 12
    Reverse-Grip Preacher Seat Curls: 3 sets of 8
    Standing Arm Curls: 5 sets of 8 on each arm
    Standing Forearm Twists: 1 set of 50
    Seated Forearm Twists: 3 sets of 12 on each arm
    Sit-Ups:1 set of 100, then do 50 crunch twists to each side..Then do 200 crunches...Finish up abs with 3 set of 20 on Jackknives

    Tuesday's cardio...Make sure you've got a ROAD bike, but if you don't have 1 or access to one..a mountain bike will do for training...A road bike is ideal and what you want to race with though....Get what's called a "Cat Eye" to keep track of the distance you've traveled..Take off riding for 25 miles... Tuesday is complete..Again drink a TON of water, no BS Cokes or beer or any of that crap...PURE WATER is what God gave us to drink it, and a lot of it!

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